102nd Legislature, Weeks 42 and 43: Fiscal Agency Budget Summaries, The Transit Caucus Convenes

The House Fiscal Agency and the Senate Fiscal Agency have both published transportation budget summary documents.
On Wednesday, February 21st, House Fiscal Agency Transportation Budget Analyst Bill Hamilton presented the Executive Budget Recommendation summary document to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation . On Thursday, February 29th, Senate Fiscal Agency Analyst Bobby Cannell presented a similar document to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation .
As with last year, these documents list each major change from the Executive state transportation budget recommendation. The major area of concern remains the loss of one-time ARPA funds allocated to bus and rail operations.
In response to organized opposition to the widening of US-23 , Vice Chair Morgan (D-Ann Arbor) asked Hamilton if there is funding available in the state budget for MDOT to invest in public transportation as an alternative to highway widening for congestion alleviation.
Ultimately, this is going to be a conversation that reaches beyond the scope of budget negotiations. If lawmakers take issue with how MDOT chooses to spend the funds they allocate, other legislative action will be necessary. All roads (pun intended) lead to Public Act 51 reform.
The Appropriations committees will begin hearing stakeholder testimony from transit providers, advocacy organization leaders, and anyone else wishing to speak in the weeks to come. Testimony will likely span multiple meetings due to high interest in discussing the budget and its impact on transportation.
Speed Limit Bill Reported from Senate Committee
On Tuesday, February 20th, HB 4012 was unanimously reported from the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure with recommendation. Following a Senate floor vote in the coming weeks, the bill will be presented to the Governor.
The Transit Caucus Convenes
On Wednesday, February 28th following session, the inaugural meeting of the Public Transit Caucus was held in the Capitol.
The caucus consists of 47 members of the state legislature from both chambers and both parties. In the coming weeks and months, members are expected to draft policy related to RTA reform , a more permanent Local Bus Operations funding increase, and, potentially, expansion of intercity bus and rail across Michigan. Stay tuned for updates as the caucus deliberates.

The 28 state representatives on the new Transit Caucus in the State Capitol Appropriations Room. 19 state senators have also joined the caucus. (Source: Michigan House Democrats )