102nd Legislature, Weeks 52 and 53: The E-Bike Incentive Bill Moves Forward

Members of the Michigan Legislature and their staff had the opportunity to take an electric bike on a test ride around the Capitol as part of LMB Advocacy Day on Tuesday, May 14th.
Edit, May 31st 2024: Included updates related to e-bike legislation from the House Committee on Tax Policy meeting on Wednesday, May 22nd and the House Committee on Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure on Tuesday, May 14th rather than creating a separate entry for Week 53.
House Bill 4491 , originally introduced by Rep. Rogers (D-Kalamazoo) in April 2023, received a hearing in the House Committee on Tax Policy on Wednesday, May 15th. Matt Penniman of the League of Michigan Bicyclists testified in support of the package, and numerous other stakeholders expressed written support including the Detroit Greenways Coalition, the Sierra Club, the City of Ann Arbor, multiple Trek Bicycle locations, and PeopleForBikes , which delivered a letter to the committee.
On Wednesday, May 22nd, HB 4491 was favorably reported out of Tax Policy on party lines. Floor action is expected in June.
How will the incentive program work?
Bikes costing $8,000 or less sold by participating retailers with a minimum 1-year warranty serviceable in Michigan will be eligible. The program will only apply to new purchases and will not be retroactive.
Only $2.95 million has been earmarked for the program compared to last year’s proposed $5 million, which was not included in the final FY 2023-24 budget. In Substitute H-1, the allocations for the incentive have been reduced from what was initially proposed in 2023 in order to stretch the incentive to as many residents as possible.
- $300 or 90% (down from $500 or 90%)
- $600 or 90% if you're on SNAP or other assistance programs, or below 300% of the federal poverty line (down from $1250 or 90%)
Additionally, H-1 requires that batteries and the electrical drive train system on covered bikes meet fire safety certification standards (UL 2849 or EN 15194).
Ten states, including Colorado, have implemented wildly successful e-bike incentive programs similar to what HB 4491 is proposing.
If there’s one bill number in the entire 102nd Legislature I’ve memorized outside of budget stuff, it’s this one. I love my e-bike and want more people to have access to one . Get this incentive enacted!
Mackinac Island Speed Limit Bill Reported from House Committee
On Tuesday, May 14th, Senate Bill 682 was favorably reported out of the House Committee on Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure 12-1 following further testimony from Mackinac Island officials. The bill was first discussed in February .
Following committee discussion related to speed limit adjustments within the downtown portion of Mackinac Island and an exemption for snowmobiles in the winter, Substitute H-3 was adopted on the House floor on Thursday, May 23rd. Bicycles would be limited to 10 miles per hour within the business district and 15 miles per hour elsewhere along M-185.
VRU Bills Reported from House Committee
HB 5223 and HB 5224, which update the Michigan Vehicle Code to strengthen penalties for motorists who injure Vulnerable Roadway Users (VRUs) , were also reported from House Transpo/Mobility/Infra on May 14th. A floor vote is expected in June.