2023-10-19: DDOT Community Input Meeting
At this regularly scheduled public input meeting, DDOT announced plans for increasing service on Jefferson as a “BRT” pilot. What this will look like remains to be seen.
This post supplements a livetweet provided by TRU staff member Claire. View the Twitter thread here .
Director Oglesby Says Farewell
DDOT Director Mikel Oglesby stepped down from his position in August . Today was his final appearance at a community input meeting, and he invited those on the call to attend a farewell party which will be held next week.
Public Comment Summary
Riders noted frequently delayed buses, run cuts, missing bus stop signs, and safety issues caused by drivers illegally parking in front of bus stops. One commenter noted a lack of running water at the Rosa Parks Transit Center and that contracted security officers were preventing riders from taking bags containing medical supplies or toiletries into the restrooms. This rider was given a pat-down, which DDOT claims they instructed security personnel never to do. Detroit City Council President Mary Sheffield has expressed concern about this issue; the situation will be monitored closely in the coming weeks.
Note that Councilperson Waters requested a report on bathroom access for DDOT drivers earlier this month. Bridge Detroit reporter Malachi Barrett covered the report earlier this week.
Presentation Slides

Learn more about the State Fair Transit Center at detroitmi.gov/ddotstatefair

To learn more about the Coolidge Terminal Replacement project, visit detroitmi.gov/coolidge

For more information about DDOT employment opportunities, please visit detroitmi.gov/ddot

Website: detroitmi.gov/ddot