102nd Legislature, Week 8: House Fiscal Agency Transportation Budget, Grade Separation

Downtown Detroit and the immediately surrounding area famously has few level crossings. The bridge pictured was built in 1895 and still stands today.
House Fiscal Agency Transportation Budget
On Wednesday, March 1st, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation heard an overview of the proposed FY2023-24 budget from Bill Hamilton of the House Fiscal Agency. Typically MDOT presents first, but was unable due to meeting cancellations in the weeks prior.
A $453M overall increase in transportation funding is proposed.
Line items 7-9 and 17 are specific to transit. An added $9.4M for economic development, $15M for Local Bus Operating Assistance, $43.6M for transit capital from federal sources, and $160M for intermodal grants is proposed.
The House Fiscal Agency summary document is available as a PDF . See pages 171-175 for transit line items.
Amtrak operational and maintenance funding was not included in this summary as there is "no material change" in the proposed budget. Capital costs may still fluctuate in accordance with planned projects.
Vice Chair Morgan (D-Ann Arbor) asks how Local Bus Operating funds will be distributed given recent millage votes. State aid is based on an agency's budget: As local funding increases, more state aid can be received.
"Whether it's enough? That's for advocates to say."
Megan Owens, Executive Director of Transportation Riders United , traveled to Lansing to testify before the subcommittee . Chair Puri (D-Canton) noted a meeting dedicated to public transit will be held in the future.
Grade Separation
Senate Bills 124 and 125, introduced on Wednesday, March 1st as companion bills to House Bills 4152 and 4153, provide priorities for and create a local grade separation fund , respectively.
Other Presentations
On Tuesday, February 28th, the House Committee on Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure heard from the County Road Association and the Office of Future Mobility and Electrification. The Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure also heard from the County Road Association as well as the Michigan Municipal League and the Michigan Townships Association. On Thursday, March 2nd, the Michigan Municipal League presented to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation .