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#MILegTransit: Directory

A white squishy bus with the Ann Arbor TheRide logo printed on top on Representative Jason Morgan's desk in the Senate chamber.
Image from State Representative Jason Morgan (District 23, Ann Arbor)

Explanation of Coverage

I originally published portions of this coverage on Transportation Riders United’s website while serving as a member of the organization’s Board of Directors. TRU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and does not support, oppose, or contribute to any elected officials, candidates, or political parties.

Coverage of legislative activity on this blog, as well as my personal Twitter account, represents my independent views unless otherwise noted.

Corey Corey (@coreyjrowe)

I created #MILegTransit for tracking actions related to public transit in the new legislature. It's unofficial of course — I'm a transit rider and advocate who just happens to be in Lansing, not an elected — but feel free to add to the conversation!

January 25, 2023 • 4:20 am

For reference, you may see the following abbreviations throughout my coverage:

House Transpo/Mobility/Infra
The House Committee on Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure

Senate Transpo/Infra
The Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

House Transpo Approp.
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation

Senate Transpo Approp.
The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation

The Four Transportation Committees

Any introduced bills related to public transit funding will be referred to transportation committees in each chamber of the legislature. The Appropriations subcommittees are responsible for controlling MDOT’s portion of the state budget.

Note that other committees may become relevant depending on a legislator’s approach to funding transit initiatives.

Michigan House of Representatives

Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure Committee

Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation

Michigan Senate

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation

The Public Transit Caucus

On Wednesday, February 28th following session, the inaugural meeting of the Public Transit Caucus was held in the Capitol .

The caucus consists of members of the state legislature from both chambers and both parties. In the coming weeks and months, members are expected to draft policy related to RTA reform, a more permanent Local Bus Operations (LBO) funding increase, and, potentially, expansion of intercity bus and rail across Michigan.

Members of the Public Transit Caucus meet for the first time on Feb. 28, 2024, stand behind the meeting table in the House Appropriations room inside the Michigan State Capitol.
The state representatives on the new Transit Caucus in the State Capitol Appropriations Room. (Source: Michigan House Democrats )

Current membership: 46 legislators

List of members with active Twitter accounts

Last updated March 3rd, 2024 via Michigan Advance

Note: The correct membership count as of 3/3/2024 is 46 members. A member was counted twice at the time the original press release was posted.

