102nd Legislature, Week 14: Regional Transit Authority Presentation, E-Bike Incentive, First Budget Proposals

Regional Transit Authority Presentation
On Tuesday, April 25th, the Regional Transit Authority gave an informational presentation to the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure outlining their scope and the Regional Master Transit Plan process. Recent research from the Civic Mapping Initiative on community college transit connections came up during the discussion.
There was also some discussion on whether it's more effective to operate all transit services as one unified agency (e.g. Denver RTD) than the umbrella approach, which we share with Seattle, Chicago, and other regions.
That's not gonna happen here anytime soon, nor should it. Don't hold your breath.
E-Bike Incentive Introduced

On Thursday, April 27th, Rep. Rogers (D-Kalamazoo) introduced House Bill 4491 , "A bill to establish an electric bicycle transportation incentive program."
Eligible e-bikes are those costing $8,000 or less with a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty serviceable in Michigan. Program participants would receive a voucher for $500 or 90% of cost, whichever is less; for those who receive SNAP benefits or are enrolled in certain other assistance programs, or who fall below 300% of the federal poverty line, the voucher increases to $1250 or 90% of cost, whichever is less.
The incentive as outlined in the bill has a built-in sunset date of December 31, 2027 to allow for a pilot program. Half of the vouchers would be earmarked for "income-qualified" residents as outlined above. Vouchers would have to be redeemed at a participating retailer (i.e., they would not be retroactive).
The bill was referred to the House Committee on Tax Policy and awaits a hearing.
The federal poverty level for one individual is $13,950 so if you make less than $40K a year, you'd be eligible for the bigger voucher. That's a lot of e-bikes!
First Budget Proposals
Megan Owens, Executive Director of Transportation Riders United , attended the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation meetings on Thursday to hear discussion of the FY2023-24 legislative transportation budget proposals .
April 27, 2023 • 6:21 pmThe transportation budget advances.
The MI House just introduced its budget proposal - including a one-time boost of $60 million for Local Bus Operating.
April 27, 2023 • 6:27 pm@GovWhitmer had recommended a $15 million increase for Local Bus Operating, the MI House is proposing a $75 million increase.
April 27, 2023 • 6:37 pmThe @MIHouseDems budget would increase Intermodal Capital funding by $100 million instead of the $160 million @GovWhitmer proposed, in order to fund LBO.
April 27, 2023 • 7:40 pmThe Senate proposed the same bus amount as the governor 😒
But recommends $100 million for high speed rail and/or regional transit, coming from the general fund! 😍🤩
Grade Separation Bills Reported from Committee
On Tuesday, April 25th, Senate Bills 124 and 125 were reported out of committee and on May 10th, the bills passed unanimously on the floor. They now await a hearing in the House.